Clicking on the links below will download the sample PDF handouts used with Michael Rettig's workshops.
For access to the secure site for Dr. Rettig's clients, click here.
2014 PA RTI Conference Elementary Presentation(Black and White Copy)(9 mb) (PDF)
2014 PA RTI Conference Secondary Presentation (Black and White Copy) (10 mb) (PDF)
2014 PA RTI Conference Elementary Presentation(9 mb) (PDF)
2014 PA RTI Conference Secondary Presentation (10 mb) (PDF)
Updated Rettig High School Presentation (26 mb) (PDF)
Updated Rettig Middle School Presentation (19 mb) (PDF)
Powerpoint for High School Presentation at ASCD in Chicago, March 2013 (PDF 9.6 MB)
Powerpoint for High School Presentation at VASCD in Williamsburg, VA 11-30-12 (PDF)
Samples 1 for EMELE Presention at Frankfurt International School 9-26-12 (Excel)
Samples 2 for EMELE Presention at Frankfurt International School 9-26-12 (Excel)
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Keynote: PowerPoint Slides
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Keynote: Handout 2
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Keynote: Handout 3
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Elementary Breakout: PowerPoint Slides
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Elementary Breakout: IE Formats
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Elementary Breakout: Wisconsin IE Samples
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Elementary Breakout: Sample Inclusion
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Elementary Breakout: Master Development Sequence
Rettig WCASS May 3, 2012, Elementary Breakout: Extended Planning Time Schedule
Rettig and Canady ASCD 2012: Slides
Rettig and Canady ASCD 2012: IE Schedules
Rettig and Canady ASCD 2012: Divided Grade with Two IE Periods Per Grade
Rettig and Canady ASCD 2012: Two IE Periods for All Classes in Grade
Rettig and Canady ASCD 2012: Inclusion Schedule
Rettig and Canady ASCD 2012: Master Schedule Development Pattern
Rettig and Canady ASCD 2012: Extended Planning Time Schedule
Rettig VASCD 2011 Staffing Slide
Rettig VASCD 2011 Time Allocations Slide
Rettig VASCD 2011 Master Schedule Development Step by Step
IE Schedules PDF
DJM Schedule Excel File
Viola Schedule Excel File
Inclusion Schedule Excel File
Henry Clay Schedule Excel File
Canady and Rettig ASCD 2011 Handout
Scheduling and Organizing the Data-Driven Intervention/Enrichment Period
Note: To see a list of Robert Lynn Canady's workshops and links to handouts, click here.
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